Now I am going to tell you something I love. It's those little moments of re-realization in life. Those things that are wonderful but that happen just often enough to forget about them in between experiencing them (and with my memory this happens quite frequently). But these are my latest re-realizations:

I Love Fall
And this is amazing because every year I forget. In the summer, especially those last days, I never want it to end. What could be worse than putting on a jacket and the leaves dying? But then, that first day of cold hits and I re-love it. It smells so good! The air tastes different! I get to sport more clothing and scarfs! So many possibilities! And these dying leaves are so beautiful!
Crisp air, crisp leaves, crisp apples.
That River!
The metro closes early here in Paris, 1am on weekdays and 2am on weekends. So needless to say sometimes I don't make it onboard. So then I end up standing with every other Parisian youth who has had a drink or a few, trying to catch a cab at the taxi stand. I tend to give up and start to trudge home. That is, until I get to the Seine.

Most of the time I have to traverse a bridge to get from the Marais or Bastille to my home, and every time I am reminded that this river is what makes the city. That's not just my opinion, this river and its islands are why Paris was founded and how it has survived.
And it's ridiculously beautiful. Amsterdam also reminded me how calming water can be. I grew up on the water, my wonderful mother made sure it has always been a part of my life. It is on my list of top 5 favorite things. Water, Babies, Old People, Fun and Culinary Delights.